"Blitzkrieg Bop" by The Ramones is played, but The Ramones did a cover of the 60s Spider-Man song.
Spider-Man tries to web-sling in the suburbs with little place for his web to go. I was reminded of this scene from the comics.
The Shocker's sleeves are reminiscent of his costume from the comics.
This was probably not a reference to the comics, but the scene where Spider-Man is trying to crack the reinforced ballistic glass reminded me of a scene in the comics where he successfully cracks glass meant to withstand a mortar shell.
Spider-Man's inability to drive reminded me of this scene from the comics.
Almost everyone got the scene of Spider-Man lifting the debris off himself as a shout-out to this comic.
There were other references like Donald Glover's character being called "The Prowler." The scene where Spider-Man is upside down and his AI is encouraging him to kiss Liz is an intentional shout-out to the first Spider-Man movie. Also, Spider-Man nearly being crucified trying to hold the ferry together is reminiscent of him trying to stop the train in Spider-Man 2.